Reducing the risk in high-risk pregnancies throughout Tennessee and Kentucky
Serving Clarksville, Tullahoma, Gallatin, Smyrna, Hopkinsville, Paducah, Bowling Green & More
The Perinatal Group: A Full-Service Perinatal Diagnostic Center
Patient Services
The Perinatal Group's offices are referral centers that provide high-risk pregnancy care in the Greater Tennessee and Lower Kentucky areas. The offices are staffed by board-certified physicians trained in the subspeciality of maternal-fetal medicine.
What is a Perinatologist?
A maternal-fetal specialist with advanced training in the management of high-risk pregnancies, such as caring for women with chronic conditions or complications (including preterm labor). Our MFMs act as consultants when referred by your primary care physician.
Who should be seen by a maternal-fetal medicine specialist?
Healthy women whose pregnancy is at increased risk due to:
•Abnormal maternal serum screening
•Multiple gestation: twins, triplets or more
•Recurrent pre-term labor and delivery
•Premature rupture of membranes
•Suspected fetal growth restriction
•Inherited conditions
Those needing preconception counseling for:
•Genetic disorders •Diabetes •History of complications
Women with medical or surgical disorders, such as:
•Heart disease
•High blood pressure
•Preeclampsia (toxemia)
•Diabetes and/or other endocrine disorders
•Kidney or gastrointestinal disease
•Infection disease